Acoustic energy and momentum

Consider a long pipe of uniform cross section A, and having rigid walls. Fluid is confined to the interior of a long pipe. 

Figure 1 - Pressure wave generated by motion of piston D in pipe of
area A

So at one end is a piston of negligible mass, which constrains the fluid to stay to its right. The piston was at rest at point 0 held by the force F=AP counteracting the equilibrium pressure P of the fluid. Suppose that at time t=0, the piston is started into motion to the right with constant velocity u. This action will push the piston to the right increasing the pressure to P+p. If we want to get a piston into motion we need to increase the force from AP to A(P+p), where p is related to the change in density of the fluid by the equation δ=κρp where coefficient of compressibility can be isothermal or adiabatic.
Originally δ is related to the change in volume of the compressed fluid, and this is related to the amount of fluid which has been set in motion at any specified time t. Since fluid has it’s compressibility and inertia it takes time to get it into motion. So when the piston is moved from equilibrium position the starting wave front will travel away from the piston reaching the point B at time t. Let’s say that in time t the wave has traveled the distance ct where c is the velocity of the wave. Then all the fluid to the right of this front, at B is in its original equilibrium condition at rest with density ρ. The fluid in the region D to B in motion with velocity u of the piston compressed to a density and thus occupies a volume ρ/( ρ +δ) times its original volume Al=Act. The difference between this volume and the original volume Act is of course the volume Aut, swept out by the piston in time t so that
$$\begin{align} & Aut=Act-\frac{A\rho ct}{\rho +\delta } \\ & \frac{u}{c}=1-\frac{\rho }{\rho +\delta }=\frac{\rho +\delta -\rho }{\rho +\delta }=\frac{\delta }{\rho } \\ \end{align}$$

Where the last formula is valid only as long as the density change δ caused by the motion is small compared with the equilibrium density.  In traveling the distance ut the piston has done an amount of work A(P+p)ut which must have gone into additional energy of the fluid. Part of this energy will be kinetic energy one-half of the mass of the fluid in motion, 0.5*Aρct times the square of its velocity u². The other part is potential energy of compression the work done in compressing the fluid from volume Act to volume Act[ρ/(ρ+δ)]. The work is the integral of the pressure P+p times the change in volume dV, integrated between these limits. Thus the potential energy is:
$$\int{\left( P+p \right)V\kappa dp=PV}\kappa p+\frac{1}{2}V\kappa {{p}^{2}}\simeq Aut\left( P+\frac{u}{2\kappa c} \right)$$
Thus the equation for energy balance becomes:

Force x distance = potential + kinetic energy

$$Aut\left( P+p \right)=AutP+Aut\frac{u}{2\kappa c}+Aut\frac{2}{\rho cu}$$
The first terms on both sides cancel. In fact, the work APut should not be charged to energy of the sound wave, since it is the work done pushing against the equilibrium pressure; if there had been fluid pressure P on the lef hand surface of the piston, it would have provided the AP part of the force and only force Ap would have been required to move the piston.

Potential energy density = 0.5*κp²

Kinetic energy density = 0.5*ρ*u²

For the energies per unit volume of the sound, correct ot the second order in the small quantities p and u.

What we have shown by this manipulation is that the mass of the fluid, represented by the equilibrium density ρ, and its elasticity, represented by κ, so combine that it takes time for the motion of one part of the fluid to be transmitted to another part, the speed of transmission being equal to c=Sqrt(1/ρκ) as long as the fluid motion is small enough so that the excess pressure p is small compared with the equilibrium pressure P. The impulse-momentum relationship could also be used to compute c. The excess force Ap contributes an impulse Apt to the fluid in time t, which must equal the momentum contributed to the fluid newly set into motion in time t. The acoustic momentum density of the fluid is up, so that
$$Apt=\left( u\rho \right)\left( Act \right)\simeq A{{c}^{2}}\delta t$$
It is obvious that the wave velocity c will be independent of the amplitude and shape of the sound wave only as long as the sound pressure p is small compared with the equilibrium pressure P.
For fluids like water, where K is small enough so that δ/ρ is small even though piP is not small, another limitation enters. For example, if the piston were pushed to the left, a wave of rarefaction would be sent along the tube, and if u were large enough, the p computed from the formulas might be equal to or larger than P; the piston would be withdrawn rapidly enough to produce a vacuum behind it. When this happens the fluid loses contact with the piston, leaving a large bubble of vapor in the interspace, and it is obvious that our equations no longer hold. Long before this happens the value of K begins to change, so that K cannot be considered independent of
p unless Abs[p] is small compared with P.

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