Exercises II

Exercise 2.1 – Write the program that raw_input() function to prompt a user for their name and then welcomes them.
>>>name = raw_input(“Enter your name: “)
Enter your name: James
>>>print “Hello “ + name
Hello James

Exercise 2.2 – Write a program to prompt the user for hours and rate per hour to compute monthly paycheck.
>>>hours = raw_input(“Enter hours: “)
Enter hours: 35
>>>payrate = raw_input(“Enter rate: “)
Enter Rate: 2.75
>>>paycheck = int(hours)*int(rate)
>>>print “Pay: “ + str(paycheck)

Exercise 2.3 – Assume that we execute the follow assignment statements:
Width = 15
Height = 12.0
For each of the following expressions, write the value of the expression and the type
  1.  width/2
  2. width/2.0
  3. height/3
  4. 1+2*5

>>>width = 15 
>>>height = 12.0 
>>>a=width /2 
>>>print a
>>> type(a)
>>>b = width/2.0
>>>print b

>>>c = height/3
>>>print c
>>>print d

Exercise 2.5 - Write a program which prompts the user for a Celsius temperature, convert the temperature to Fahrenheit and print out the converted temperature.
>>>deg=raw_input(“Enter a temperature in degrees Celsius: “)
Enter a temperature in degrees Celsius: 100
>>>TC = int(deg)
>>>TF = 9/5.0 * TC + 32 
>>>print TF

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