Numerical Python - NUMPY

The NumPy package is short for Numerical Python. This package provides access to a new data structure called arrays which allow efficient vector and matrix operations and it also provides a number of linear algebra operations such as:
            Solving a system of linear equations,
            Computation of Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues and more.
Installing Numpy depends on the distribution of Python you have. If you installed the Python(x,y) distribution you’ll probably already have numpy installed. In order to check if you have Numpy installed all you need to do is type the following command in python console.
>>> import numpy as np 
If you don’t have Numpy installed you’ll get an ImportError exception which will tell you that there is no module named numpy.
In order to install the numpy package all you need to do is type in the; Cmd (cmd is short for Command Prompt) window if you’re working on  Windows operating system or Terminal if you’re working on Linux operating system; following command:
pip install numpy
After the installation procedure is done you can start using the numpy package. If you don’t have Pip install look here (hyperlink missing).
If you’ve installed the Anaconda distribution than you need to type the following command  (in Cmd or Terminal):
conda install numpy

And that’s it you’re good to go. 

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