Finishing Iterations with Continue

If you want to skip current iteration and immediately jump to a next iteration in that case you can use the continue statement. Now we’ll show the use of the continue statement by applying it to the program from the previous post. The program is very simple and it will print out everything that user types but when the user types done it will exit the program and print out ‘Done!’. The new option is when you type anything with # (hashtag) for example #print this it will not print the user input because of continue statement. So using continue statement will skip the current iteration and jump to the next.
 while True:
     line = raw_input('=> ')
     if line[0] == '#' :
     if line == 'done':
     print line
print 'Done!'
=> Print this
Print this
=> #print this
=> print this!
print this!
=> done

As you can see from the result all the lines that starts with ‘#’ sign are not printed because when the continue command/statement is executed, it ends the current iteration and jumps back to the while statement to start the next iteration, so it will skip the print statement. 

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